Membership in ESIS provides access to:
- ESIS publications archive;
- an ESIS newsletter containing reports on the activities of technical committees and twenty-five national ESIS committees;
- allows you to use special organizational fees with participation in a number of European conferences and summer schools (for example, the European conference of fracture, the Crack path and a number of others).
ESIS regularly publishes special issues in the affiliated journals of Elsevier:
- Procedia Structural Integrity,
- Engineering Failure Analysis,
- Engineering Fracture Mechanics,
- International Journal of Fatigue,
- Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics,
- blogging on iMechanica,
- a special YouTube channel
- website
- pages on Facebook and Twitter.
Members of the Russian Destruction Team pay an annual membership fee of 10 EUR to ESIS.
In the near future it will be possible to pay a fee by means of electronic payment.